
Volvo Service can be performed with the a dedicated interface named the Volvo "DICE" tool. When coupled with Volvo's VIDA software subscription application and a properly configured laptop, the aftermarket shop is fully enabled to service the Volvo line of vehicles. Volvo's VIDA subscription can include vehicle model year updates for the application, calibration files, and service information.

Shops are cautioned that setting up DICE/VIDA is very labor intensive and requires the PC being used to have exacting specs. Failure to meet Volvo's specs will cause the application to not install.

CAS offers this OEM application as a ‘turnkey package’ with either a new Dell or Panasonic laptop.

Shipment arrives with the laptop fully set up with a new Volvo subscription and ready to scan right out of the box. We also offer a number of aftermarket scan tool solutions for any aftermarket shop that wishes to service Volvos but due to car count cannot justify the higher price of this OEM tool.

E-mail or call us for further details.

Click Here to Download Our General Product Catalog is a division of CAS of New England

Volvo DICE Installed on PC

Volvo DICE with VIDA application.

Name: Product Catalog
Description: General product catalog with additional information on Volvo factory scan tools.