Notice Date: October 21, 2021
Product Affected: All laptop based OEM scan tools
Condition: Microsoft has recently started releasing their next Windows operating systems, dubbed Windows 11. At this time there are two issues we want you to be aware of. First, Windows 11 will not load to every PC, as it is ‘hardware dependent’ and if a PC does not meet the specs then it will not load. Second, and more important is the fact that as of today there are no OEMs that have certified their tools to work with Windows 11. Because of this situation we recommend not loading Windows 11 onto any PC that is running any OEM application. This includes both Heavy Duty and Passenger Car OEM apps.
Actions To Take: It is suggested you speak with anyone in your business that uses any laptops running OEM apps. Advise them to not download Windows 11 under any circumstances until further notice.
Call CAS Tech Support or your local CAS Rep if you have further questions.
The CAS Tech Support Team
1-877-263-4897 /