Condition: Customers attempting to purchase a wiTech/TA day pass off the web site are experiencing a delay in receiving the day passes although the order is seemingly processing normally. CAS is aware of this problem. PayPal reports to us that the delay is being caused due to a global issue with PayPal internal order processing. We are monitoring the web site site for all orders and manually processing those orders as they arrive. However, this means it may take up to an hour before any purchased passes arrive in your account.
TECH ALERT: wiTech orders delays
Notice Date: June 13th, 2023
Product Affected: wi-Tech / Tech Authority users
Actions To Take: If you place an order for any of the wiTech products you should expect a delay in receiving the passes. DO NOT attempt to do a reorder. The initial order will process through although it may take up to 60 minutes to show up in your account.Additional questions or requests for technical support can also be directed to CAS Technical Support.
The CAS Tech Support Team
1-877-263-4897 /